Just wanted to take a minute and Wish a Very Merry Christmas to all of my Family and Friends! Ours Christmas week has been a blast! Christmas with the kids and Carl's family was enjoyable as always. Christmas Eve was a blast, presents, Breakfast with family and Friends, baking with the Dylan, Ciara and Tarrah was a blast!! Spent a calm and quiet Christmas Eve with Carl eating pizza and watching Christmas Movies, then to sleep so Santa could come. Up Early this morning to get Breakfast and then we are off to pick up our little Elf, then home to enjoy the rest of the day with Family, Food, Presents, and so much Fun!! Wonder what Santra brought us this year? I feel so Blessed not only today but every day for my life! Merry Christmas to all and hope you find time to enjoy the Magic that Christmas Brings with it!! P.S. There will be pictures to come!!